RG-PhotoelectricSensors-ENA4 - page 13

The color of an object is identified according to the different reflection coefficients
obtained with the red (R), green (G) and blue (B) light emissions. For instance, yellow
is characterized by R=50% G=50% B=0% reflections, orange by R=75% G=25% B=0%,
pink by R=50% G=0% B=0%, the combinations are infinite. Color sensors cover a wide
variety of applications, ranging from quality and process controls to automatic
material handling for the identification, orientation, and selection of objects
according to their color.
Area and Dimension light grids utilize several light beams for area or dimensional
measurements of objects. An object’s area and size are measured using parallel
cross-beams, which identify obscured beams, providing accurate information to
a host GUI or PC. Models of light grids vary by length to match each application
Datalogic distance sensors are based on Time of Flight (T.O.F.): the distance is
calculated on the basis of the time between the moment the LASER pulse is
generated and the moment the emitted light is reflected off the object, back to
the sensor. These sensors are generally used to measure an object’s distance
within a selected range, while the output is linearly scaled to the analog signal
(4...20mA). This technology provides high precision and fast measurements in many
applications, such as automatic warehousing (to drive industrial vehicles and avoid
collisions), packaging and material handling.
AREA/dimension light grids
1...,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,...80
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