RG-PhotoelectricSensors-ENA4 - page 11

In photoelectric sensors with this optic function, both emitter and receiver are
placed inside the same housing.These sensors work with weaker signals because
the emitted light beam is reflected to the receiver by the object. As a consequence,
the excess gain and the operating distance are reduced. However objects are
detected without a prismatic reflector, making installations quick and easy.
Background suppression sensors detect objects while avoiding reflections from
the background. When the sensor is used for the first time, the proper background
suppression distance has to be set through a distance adjustment trimmer. Once
the background has been acquired, the objects can be detected regardless of their
color. Background suppression sensors are not very reliable with highly clear,
transparent or shiny objects.
Background suppression technology often has difficulty reliably detecting
transparent, clear, or shiny objects. These objects generate false detections due
to their highly reflective surfaces. Datalogic’s patented background suppression
technology guarantees reliable and repeatable detection, ignoring the false
detections. Models are available with LED emission, ideal for reflections caused by
moving surfaces such as conveyor belts, or with LASER emission for the detection
of small objects on fixed or highly reflective backgrounds. Since background
suppression sensors do not require a prismatic reflector, these sensors can
substitute for a polarized retroreflective sensor for transparent objects for shorter
Fixed focus proximity sensors have a simple fixed background suppression
distance, beyond which no objects are detected. The fixed triangulation of the optics
greatly reduces the detection distance of reflective objects. The visible red emission
simplifies the sensor’s installation.
Diffuse proximity
BackgroUnd Suppression
Fixed focus proximity
for Clear Detection
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