Scanner Manuali Industriali

Scanner Manuali Industriali


Scanner Manuali Industriali

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I lettori manuali industriali PowerScan di Datalogic sono esempi unici di dispositivi di raccolta dati quando si parla di resistenza e durata nel tempo. Spesso imitati, ma mai eguagliati, i prodotti PowerScan si distinguono sul mercato grazie alle loro ottime prestazioni e all'estrema affidabilità.

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Datalogic Scheduled Maintenance, Mar 16th, 1.45 AM / 2.00 AM (CET)


Datalogic wants to make you aware that on Mar 16th, 1.45 AM / 2.00 AM (CET), there will be scheduled down time for approximately 15 minutes.
We will be using this time to add more capacity to our infrastructure and speed up our overall service.
During this maintenance window, our Corporate Website (, Partner Portal (Extranet) and all the related services will be inaccessible.
All system functionalities will resume immediately after the maintenance window.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.