A Major Parts Distributor Selects the PowerScan™ PM8300-DK Reader to Track Incoming and Outgoing Containers to Over 350 Dealerships
Since 2005, Renault-Boom has distributed Renault, Dacia and Samsung Motors spare parts to 365 dealerships in Benelux. Renault strives to provide the highest quality services. Most orders are delivered within one day using overnight delivery. Urgent deliveries are available upon request. These orders are always delivered before 8 am the day after ordering and daily stock orders before 8 am two days after ordering.
Renault uses 1,400 roll-containers (roll) to distribute the spare parts. The rolls must be received by the dealerships the following day by 8 am at the latest. The driver has a key to the secure area of every dealership for safe delivery of the rolls. The driver also collects the empty rolls from the previous delivery.
Renault-Boom employs 100 people in a warehouse stretching over 72,000 ft² / 24,000 m². The warehouse can stock up to 40,000 different parts. The stock is calculated on an order pattern over the previous 12 months at an 80% rate of the value to be delivered. Holding excess levels of stock is costly for Renault and too little stock can be detrimental to their service. Finding the perfect balance is critical for both the company and the dealerships.
The Challenge
Renault-Boom was concerned about the costs required to properly track, trace and recover the rolls. The current system did not track the rolls, so the company carried out a verification process every other week. New rolls were purchased to replace those which had been lost. To solve this problem, Renault decided to use a bar code-based tracking system they call “PowerScan Rol” as an internal code name for registering and tracing the roll-containers, eliminating this significant and unnecessary loss.
The Solution
Within the exisiting system, the company registers the name of each dealership receiving the rolls. Outgoing rolls are given a bar code identifier affixed to the container as well as a second bar code encoding the dealership’s ID number. Datalogic’s PowerScan™ PM8300-DK ruggedized bar code readers with a 16-Key keypad and display are used to scan both bar codes on the roll prior to delivery. The driver then receives an electronic copy of the roll list, making him or her aware of transit details.
The process is repeated when the empty rolls return from the dealership. Incoming rolls are scanned for ID number to establish their status via software. Upon receipt of the empty rolls, the operator uses the PowerScan PM8300 reader to verify their condition, declaring ‘Good’, ‘Broken’ or ‘Repair’ condition. This allows Renault-Boom to quickly track which rolls do not come back or remain absent for a long period of time, and to calculate the rotation time of these rolls.
The PowerScan PM8300 readers’ software Renault-Boom calls the “PowerScan Server” resides on a central PC. The collected data is stored on a server. As a result, no separate software updates are required and the data is secure in a central location. The incoming and outgoing data regarding the roll-containers are finally processed by Renault Boom’s back-office application.
DatAction was responsible for the software development, installation and training of Renault-Boom’s relevant managers and supervisors. The company itself provided further training to the operators.
The Results
Renault-Boom chose to use Datalogic’s PowerScan PM8300 industrial scanner with 16-Key keypad and display because the scanner is able to communicate bi-directionally with an application on the central station. This application enables communication with the operator and saves the data for Renault’s back-office application.
“The PowerScan readers were ultimately chosen for the user,” stated Sophie Bodart, Warehouse Manager in Belgium. “The simplicity of the concept was the most important aspect of the project. It was essential to select a user-friendly scanning device that would eliminate confusion and avoid the risk of misinterpreted results and ICT support.”
In combination with a wireless base station, the PowerScan PM8300 readers fully met Renault-Boom’s requirements. “The choice of a 16-Key device was to avoid wasting time dealing with hard-to-read bar codes,” explained Olivier Cahuzac, Renault-Boom’s Project Coordinator. “Often the codes are damaged by rips or excessive dirt. The PowerScan reader keypad allows our operators to simply key in the code manually.
Track and Trace
Datalogic Product
PowerScan™ PM8300-DK
Datalogic Partner
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