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Success Stories

Laboratory Improves Patient Safety with a New Bar Code Quality - Datalogic

MEDILYS Laboratory Improves Data Quality by Tracking Patient Samples with Datalogic’s Gryphon™ and Heron™ Bar Code Readers


MEDILYS Medical Laboratories provide Asklepios Clinics and other hospitals in the area with a broad spectrum of medical laboratory services. Approximately 7.5 million tests in the field of clinical chemistry and approximately 220,000 bacteriological submissions are processed each year by five MEDILYS laboratories.

The Challenge

Today, public health institutions around the globe are subject to new regulations to improve patient safety. In Germany, the Federal Medical Association has new guidelines for the quality assurance of laboratory examinations, which requires healthcare institutions to meet specific standards for pre-analysis and post-analysis testing. In addition, laboratories must also implement a proper quality management system to ensure accurate patient data.

The Solution

MEDILYS laboratories decided to implement a bar code sample identification system for its laboratory analysis and quality management. MEDILYS selected Datalogic as its sole bar code scanning provider to equip each of the laboratories.

The core of MEDILYS’ new bar code system resides in the central laboratory. This laboratory provides various machine-readable request forms with sample labels containing the patient and sender data. Critical information such as a patient’s examination requirements are clearly marked on the request form, indicating to the lab staff which tests need to be completed. The testing requirements, order number and patient information are then attached to the specimen container as a means to identify the sample.

Prior to testing, the sample is registered in the laboratory data system by a Datalogic bar code reader. The laboratory system then assigns the sample to the order from the request. Once this is completed, the sample and the patient’s information is archived in a patient database, which can later be searched by reading the labels on the specimen container or patient record.

“Rapid and flawless registration of all arriving samples cannot be achieved without the use of the Datalogic’s bar code readers,” said Ulrike Teege, Executive Assistant Medical Technician at MEDILYS Institute. “The reading devices support us in undergoing tens of thousands of tests each year.”

For its workstations, MEDILYS selected Datalogic’s Gryphon™ Desk and Heron™ bar code readers. Both bar code readers offer MEDILYS laboratories an extremely versatile and durable solution in an ergonomic form factor. With its outstanding reading performance, the Gryphon reader is the ultimate solution for applications where low resolution and/or damaged codes need to be read with consistent performance. The Heron reader also offers dual-functionality as it can operate as both a handheld device and presentation style reader with an auto-sensing stand.

Both the Heron and Gryphon readers feature Datalogic’s patented ‘Green Spot’ technology for good-read feedback directly on the code, which is useful when silent scanning is desired in the laboratories.

The Results

Today, bar code identification technology enables companies to create more customized solutions, like the quality management system designed for MEDILYS laboratories. By leveraging Datalogic’s long-term experience in healthcare environments, MEDILYS was able to select the right products to implement into its new automated laboratory system.

“Thanks to the user-friendly Gryphon and Heron bar code readers and their enormous reading capacity, physicians and laboratory employees are supported with the right equipment,” stated Lars Bauer, Sales Director of DataIdent GmbH Seevetal. “The collected data is now centralized with a high degree of comprehensibility and, above all, optimally secured and archived. Archiving ‘secured laboratory property’ represents an extraordinary increase in production in the area of public health which we, as partners with Datalogic, convincingly put into practice with our clients.”






Medical Laboratories


Track and Trace



Datalogic Product

Gryphon™ Desk


Datalogic Partner


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