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Press Releases

Datalogic (Star: DAL.MI): shareholders approve the financial statements for year ending on 31 December 2007

Sales revenues of € 404 million (+6% vs. € 381.6 million at 31st December 2006).

EBITDA of € 50.1 million (+31% vs. the same period of previous year).

EBITANR  of € 37.8 million (+45% vs. € 26 million at 31st December 2006).

Net profit of € 18.1 million (€4.1 million at 31st December 2006).

Dividend proposed of € 0.07 per share (+17% vs. dividend paid in 2006), with coupon detachment on April 28th 2008 and payment on May 2nd.

Board of Directors authorised to undertake share buybacks.

Bologna, 15 April 2008 - Today the Annual General Meeting of Datalogic shareholders approved financial statements for the financial year ending on 31 December 2007 and passed a resolution authorising distribution of a dividend of € 0.07 per share.

The dividend - which for the previous financial year had been € 0.06 per share - envisages coupon (no. 2) detachment on 28th April and payment as from 2nd May 2008.

In FY2007 consolidated revenues grew by 6% to € 404 mn (vs. € 381.6 mn as at 31 December 2006).

EBITDA amounted to € 50.1 mn (+31% vs. € 11.8 mn in 2006); EBITANR totalled € 37.8 mn (vs. 26 mn of the previous year), with growth of +45%. Consolidated net profit of € 18.1 mn (€ 4.1 mn in the same period of the previous year).

At 31 December 2007, the net financial position of Datalogic was negative by € 62.5 mn, worse in comparison to its position at 31 December 2006 (negative by € 58.3 mn), but an improvement on its position at 30 June 2007 (negative by € 71.8 million). We point out that, during 2007, treasury shares were bought for approximately € 28.9 mn and dividends were paid for € 3.8 mn. If own shares were included, the net financial position at 31st December 2007 would be negative for € 34.3 mn, a big improvement on its position at 31st December 2006 (negative by € 50 mn).

Lastly please note that, on February 20th 2008, the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the proposal to reduce the Company's share capital by means of cancellation of nr. 5,409,981 in treasury shares (equal to 8.472% of share capital). Subsequent to the cancellation of the shares, the share capital will therefore be composed of nr. 58,446,491 ordinary shares with a nominal value of Euro 0.52 per share and will amount to Euro 30,392,175.32.

Shareholders also authorised the Board of Director to make transactions for the sale and purchase of own shares. Buyback operations are motivated by Datalogic' desire to act as a stabiliser, thus improving the stock's liquidity.

More specifically, this authorisation was granted for the purchase and transfer of up to a maximum of 5,800,000 Datalogic S.p.A. ordinary shares - equal to 9.9% of the capital stock - for the period intervening between today and the date of call of the meeting for the adoption of the 2008 balance-sheet, i.e. 18 months.

According to the approved plan, the purchase price of each ordinary share will range between a face value of € 2 and € 20.

The manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports - Dott. Marco Rondelli - declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Art. 154-bis of the Testo Unico della Finanza, that the accounting information contained in that press release corresponds to the document results, books and accounting records.

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