Serie CBX: CBX100/CBX500/CBX800

An all in one connectivity device for connecting simple cabling reader devices, high performance modular industrial devices, or serial devices to multiple Fieldbus systems

Serie CBX: CBX100/CBX500/CBX800

The CBX100 and CBX500 are connectivity devices designed to simplify and speed up cabling operations during the installation of Datalogic devices. Thanks to a modular concept and a complete range of optional modules, all installations, configurations, and maintenance operations can be accomplished faster than ever.

The CBX800 connectivity device is an industrial gateway allowing the connection of devices equipped with an RS-232 communication interface to the most common Fieldbus systems by means of a complete range of optional modules,  and also to the ID-NET™ high speed communication network.

Descargas para Serie CBX: CBX100/CBX500/CBX800



EASEOFCARE Programa de Servicios

Nuestra misión consiste en proporcionar a nuestros clientes un excelente servicio en cada interacción, adaptándonos a sus perfiles y su industria.
The central role of the customer also drove the creation of a new corporate division (the so-called “Customer Service”), which has centralised all the services provided by the Group globally, from order entry and confirmation to after-sales service and installation, by applying a performance indicator of client satisfaction such as the Net Promoter Score (NPS) used by many Fortune 500 Companies.

El Servicio al Cliente garantiza una respuesta ágil y consistente en cada solicitud. Nuestros especialistas expertos y cualificados se deben al cliente y se comprometen a ofrecer en cada caso una resolución satisfactoria. El Departamento de Servicio al Cliente de Datalogic ofrece una gama amplia y completa de servicios de posventa (Contratos EASEOFCARE). Esta oferta está organizada en tres niveles de servicio para garantizar la asistencia profesional más adecuada en función del problema específico.

El Servicio al Cliente de Datalogic está formado por un equipo de profesionales multi-idioma, con una amplia experiencia técnica en toda la gama de productos. Nuestra oferta de servicios estándar incluye >>


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