MGL 962X_992X D of C EC-1610 Module D rev 1 10-18-2-23
/ 0,14 Mb
Magellan 9600i-9900i Module B
MGL 96XX_99XX D of C EC-1609 Module B rev 1 10-18-2023
/ 0,17 Mb
UKCA Certification
/ 0,09 Mb
Magellan 9600i-9900i UKCA
96XX_99XX UKCA DofC UK-1609 rev 1 10-18-2023
/ 0,12 Mb
Software & Utilities
Configuration and Maintenance
Datalogic Aladdin
Aladdin Setup Standalone Application
Aladdin is the new software configurator for HHS, OEM ScanEngine, and the new Magellan 96/9900i. It's an all-in-one software tool that offers easy and fast reader set-up. Datalogic Aladdin 3 provides customers the opportunity to manage the product configuration, and allows flexible advanced formatting through an intuitive user interface. The tool also makes it easy for customers to upgrade the product firmware, to attain the benefits of new reader features. Used in combination with the Datalogic USB-COM drivers, supports the following Microsoft® operating systems: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, 64-bit versions.
Datalogic Aladdin
Aladdin website:
Aladdin is the new software configurator for HHS, OEM ScanEngine, and the new Magellan 96/9900i. It's an all-in-one software tool that offers easy and fast reader set-up. Datalogic Aladdin 3 provides customers the opportunity to manage the product configuration, and allows flexible advanced formatting through an intuitive user interface. The tool also makes it easy for customers to upgrade the product firmware, to attain the benefits of new reader features. Used in combination with the Datalogic USB-COM drivers, supports the following Microsoft® operating systems: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, 64-bit versions.
TDi Camera Control Tool
TDi Control Tool v1.0.0 (Win32)
/ 2,72 Mb
Camera Control, Configuration, and Firmware Update tool for the Magellan 9800i TDi.
TDi Camera Control Tool
TDi Control Tool v1.0.0 (x64)
/ 2,97 Mb
Camera Control, Configuration, and Firmware Update tool for the Magellan 9800i TDi.
Magellan 9550i Flyer
/ 0,18 Mb
Magellan 9600i - 9900i brochure
/ 0,27 Mb
Magellan 9800i Brochure
Magellan 9800i Brochure ~ US English
/ 1,12 Mb
Overview of the features and benefits of the Magellan 9800i 2D Imaging Scanner and Scanner/Scale
Magellan 9800i Brochure
Magellan 9800i Brochure ~ English
/ 1,14 Mb
Overview of the features and benefits of the Magellan 9800i 2D Imaging Scanner and Scanner/Scale
Video Gallerie
Magellan 9550i | 45% Faster, less power than a lightbulb
Datalogic Magellan 900i | Powerful scanning in the palm of your hand