
High-End-Zeilenkamera für Transport- und Logistikanwendungen


Unmatched Speed and Performance for Traceability

AV7000 8K – High-Performance Imaging for Parcel Sorting

AV7000 8K – High-Performance Imaging for Parcel Sorting
AV7000 12K – Ultra-High Definition. Ultra-Fast Traceability.

AV7000 12K – Ultra-High Definition. Ultra-Fast Traceability.

What Makes the AV7000 12K Superior?

Accelerate your operations today. The AV7000 models have you covered when it comes to high-speed, ultra-reliable traceability.

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AV7000 Data Sheet


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EASEOFCARE Kunden Service

Innerhalb der Datalogic Kunden Service Organisation finden Sie ein tiefes und komplettes Portfolio an Post-Sales Serviceangeboten (EASEOFCARE Verträgen).
The central role of the customer also drove the creation of a new corporate division (the so-called “Customer Service”), which has centralised all the services provided by the Group globally, from order entry and confirmation to after-sales service and installation, by applying a performance indicator of client satisfaction such as the Net Promoter Score (NPS) used by many Fortune 500 Companies.

Dieses Angebot ist in drei Supportbereiche unterteilt um sicherzustellen dass Sie passend zu Ihrer Problemstellung die beste Unterstützung erhalten. Ein Team von multi-lingualen Spezialisten unterstützt Sie bei Fragen mit technischer Expertise über die gesamte Datalogic Produktauswahl hinweg.

In unserem Standard Service Portfolio finden Sie außerdem >>


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