Shopevolution 8 from Datalogic is the latest version of the globally recognized Omni-channel self-shopping software solution designed to improve retail efficiency and enhance customer shopping experience. Heralding a revolution in retail loss-prevention applied to the in-store shopping journey, Shopevolution 8 embeds machine-learning and AI, enabling data-driven decisions to efficiently run basket audits and combat more accurately shoplifting behavior. Paired with Joya devices and/or smartphones, Shopevolution includes Scan and Go, promotion management, and real-time purchase tracking, all geared toward driving revenue and strengthening customer loyalty. Shopevolution 8 supports a wide range of retail applications, including Click & Collect and mobile self-shopping, and is cloud-ready, eliminating the need for in-store servers. It is the most reliable software available today, seamlessly integrating with any POS system, loyalty programs, and pricing engines. It also offers professional implementation services and regular twice a year updates to ensure customers can benefit from continuous innovation. With Shopevolution, shoppers can easily review previously scanned items, track real-time purchase totals, and take advantage of store offers and personalized promotions, including discounts.
Shopevolution 与 Datalogic 的 Joya™ 系列个人自助购物设备无缝集成,将其功能扩展到各种零售环境。其内置的移动设备管理(MDM)功能使零售商能够有效地管理这些设备,同时通过运行第三方应用程序探索更多的商店自动化选项。
Shopevolution 提供与销售点系统、客户管理、忠诚度计划和定价引擎的开箱即用的集成。其灵活的应用程序接口可确保与任何零售 ICT 系统轻松兼容,为整个零售生态系统提供无缝操作。
Shopevolution 以机器学习和人工智能为基础,有助于防损和减少损耗。该平台通过与顾客的互动不断学习他们的行为,并自我调整参数,以帮助识别潜在的盗窃行为,并在必要时触发审计。
Shopevolution 已为云计算做好准备,为零售商提供了多项主要优势: